
Showing posts from March, 2023
Who doesn't love a story about falling in love with car photography?   Here Is A Link To My Car Photography StoryTime Podcast
Car Photography Checklist Cars: The first thing you will always need is to make sure you of course have the chance to be around cars. If you are just getting into cars you will not even need your own car you can simply take pictures of others people's cars. For instance, I started off by taking photos of my friend's car, this even caused great quality time while still being able to take pictures of cars and learning the art of car photography. As well as the car make sure you think about locations where you want to take pictures. Almost anywhere can work.
  Recent Events In The Car Photography World Cars and Coffee: The picture above is one of the most recent things going on in the car photography world. This being cars and coffee. This is where people bring their cars that they own to a meet-up and maybe enjoy some coffee while looking at everyone's cars. These meet-ups are becoming huge and a great way to get your name and car pictures out there. Everyone here is taking pictures of cars and telling everybody how awesome each other's cars look. This is the next biggest thing for car photography having meet-ups like these is making it very easy for people to become known for their car and photography.