Car Photography Checklist


The first thing you will always need is to make sure you of course have the chance to be around cars. If you are just getting into cars you will not even need your own car you can simply take pictures of others people's cars. For instance, I started off by taking photos of my friend's car, this even caused great quality time while still being able to take pictures of cars and learning the art of car photography. As well as the car make sure you think about locations where you want to take pictures. Almost anywhere can work.

Always Remember Editing Apps:
Always remember that a good free app to edit your photos is always necessary. This is how people get those pictures to look perfect. This is the app I personally use, a free app called Lightroom. This app lets you edit anything you want all for free instead of a lot of apps trying to charge you to edit your photos. This app lets you even pick people's preset edits and there are tons for all different types of car photos. 


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