
  News in Recent Car Meet Ups Car meetups are happening at night in parking lots in Arlandria and Potomac Yard | ALXnow What is the problem here? The article above goes over car meet-ups, where they are taking place, and what is going on. Car meet-ups are going on all over the place nationwide. These car meet-ups are being shut down by the police and law enforcement does not like how the car scene is doing meet-ups at all. A bunch of people gathering in streets and parking lots showing off cars are being stopped left and right. People are shutting down intersections making it to where people can not get through and this is causing huge amounts of trouble for the car scene and messing everything up for everyone around the nation. What wil
Who  Doesn't Like Car Q and A's? Here is the link to the car Q and A Vlog!
  Why The Car Scene Needs More Freedom Car Meet-Ups Being Shut Down: Car meetups and drive around have been getting shut down left and right. Simply because people have loud cars or there is a big group of cars driving around it is seen as something not allowed or a worry that they are doing something illegal. This hurts the car photography scene because these are some of the best times to take photos and it is often times ruined or shut down by police. Most car shows now are done in the public parking lot with small group meet-ups.
Who doesn't love a story about falling in love with car photography?   Here Is A Link To My Car Photography StoryTime Podcast
Car Photography Checklist Cars: The first thing you will always need is to make sure you of course have the chance to be around cars. If you are just getting into cars you will not even need your own car you can simply take pictures of others people's cars. For instance, I started off by taking photos of my friend's car, this even caused great quality time while still being able to take pictures of cars and learning the art of car photography. As well as the car make sure you think about locations where you want to take pictures. Almost anywhere can work.
  Recent Events In The Car Photography World Cars and Coffee: The picture above is one of the most recent things going on in the car photography world. This being cars and coffee. This is where people bring their cars that they own to a meet-up and maybe enjoy some coffee while looking at everyone's cars. These meet-ups are becoming huge and a great way to get your name and car pictures out there. Everyone here is taking pictures of cars and telling everybody how awesome each other's cars look. This is the next biggest thing for car photography having meet-ups like these is making it very easy for people to become known for their car and photography.
How To Set Up Your Camera For Car Photos What Camera to use: Any camera can be used for car photos but the ones I find to work the best are dslr cameras. You can find these cameras at pretty much any store but best buy target or sometimes walmart are probably your best bet. They range in price and depending on your budget most any dslr camera will work great. I typically go with Canon or Nikon, I find these cameras tend to work great and are very begineer friendly. Canon EOS Rebel T7 / EOS 2000D Review - What Camera Settings to use: The best thing to do when beginning is to put the camera on automatic. This presets all of the settings for you and really just makes it easier. If you want you can mess with the aperature settings or make it focus on certain spots more. But other than that I would keep the settings on automatic so you do not get too confused. If you want to you can mess with the brightness and the the other simple settings as well. When I take car photos I find